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For Smart Women Only: Make Blackjack Pay

Basic Strategy Practice #7 (advanced)

Posted by blackjackguru on July 2, 2009

Dealer 6: 

You 5,A,5:

Do you: H=hit, D=double down, S=stand, P=split ?

[S] <==(highlight over the square brackets to see Answer)

Dealer T:

You 5,5,5:

Do you: H=hit, D=double down, S=stand, P=split ?

[H] <==(highlight over the square brackets to see Answer)

Dealer 5:

You T,3,A:

Do you: H=hit, D=double down, S=stand, P=split ?

[S] <==(highlight over the square brackets to see Answer)

Dealer T:

You 2,7,7:

Do you: H=hit, D=double down, S=stand, P=split ?

[H] <==(highlight over the square brackets to see Answer)

Dealer 9:

You 3,4,A:

Do you: H=hit, D=double down, S=stand, P=split ?

[H] <==(highlight over the square brackets to see Answer)

Dealer 10:

You 3,3,A,A:

Do you: H=hit, D=double down, S=stand, P=split ?

[H] <==(highlight over the square brackets to see Answer)

Dealer A:

You A,6,A:

Do you: H=hit, D=double down, S=stand, P=split ?

[H] <==(highlight over the square brackets to see Answer)

Dealer 7:

You A,T,5:

Do you: H=hit, D=double down, S=stand, P=split ?

[H] <==(highlight over the square brackets to see Answer)

Dealer 3:

You: A,3,8:

Do you: H=hit, D=double down, S=stand, P=split ?

[H] <==(highlight over the square brackets to see Answer)

Dealer 7:

You 3,A,3:

Do you: H=hit, D=double down, S=stand, P=split ?

[H] <==(highlight over the square brackets to see Answer)

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